Building your wealth is just as important as protecting it. Illness, injury and death all have a significant impact on both your family and finances. We can help to make sure that you look after yourself and your loved ones through:
- Either an assessment or re-assessment of your exposure to financial risk if you were to be injured, fall ill or die.
- Implementation of an insurance package that will help to bridge your financial gap.
- Ensuring that the appropriate beneficiary nominations are in place so that your dependants are catered for, according to your wishes.
A huge number of Australians are either underinsured or uninsured, which can lead to financial disaster at an immensely stressful time for you and your family.
By getting a professional adviser involved and planning ahead, you can come up with the right protection solutions for both your situation and budget.
Building your wealth is important and so is protecting it. At Blue Lantern our experienced advisers can help you with all kinds of insurance needs.
Who Needs Insurance?
What would your family do if something happened to you?
Illness, injury and death can have a huge impact on your family and your finances. Most of us insure our car and home, but what about your most valuable assets: your life and your ability to earn an income?
Make sure you look after your loved ones and protect them against these risks.
Types of Personal Insurance
There a various types of insurance available.
- Income Protection (Salary Continuance Insurance)
- Trauma insurance
- Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD)
- Life insurance
- Business expense insurance
These different types of insurance are elaborated on below. Speaking with a professional adviser can help you understand which insurance best suits your situation.
Income Protection
Covers the loss of income, during an extended absence from work due to illness or injury.
If you become ill or have an accident and are unable to work for a period of time income protection insurance will allow to keep paying the bills.
Trauma Insurance
Trauma Insurance provides a lump sum payment upon suffering one many pre-defined illnesses and life threatening conditions, including stroke, heart attack and cancer.
Talk to us today and we can help you understand the best type of cover for your situation.
Total and Permanent Disablement
Covers the permanent loss of income through illness or injury that prevents your return to work.
Total and Permanent Disablement Insurance is designed to provide a lump sum benefit to the life insured in the event of a medically diagnosed event that renders the claimant unable to work again. TPD Insurance is generally used to cover debts and the ongoing living expenses of an individual to reduce the ongoing financial burden of loss of income.
Life Insurance
Life insurance provides a lump sum payment in the event of your death.
The payment can go to your family or other dependents. Who needs life insurance? If you have a family who is financially dependent on you or you have debts which are payed solely by your income life insurance should be something to consider.
Business Expense Insurance
Covers the day to day running costs of your business in the event of extended illness or injury.
This type of insurance is an important consideration if you are self employed.
Do I need professional insurance advice?
Using a professional adviser who is experienced with insurance can be beneficial in the following ways:
- Asses ares where you may need protection (There could be things you havent considered))
- Find appropriate insurance for your circumstances
- Correctly determine the level of cover required